I love having filmmaker friends. Watching a film that a friend makes is like getting to peek into their soul a little more than you usually do. Because no matter how hard you try, your film is going to taste like you – your fingerprints are going to be all over the thing. So watching a film made by a friend is like getting to see them up on the big screen, like getting to hang out with them and watch them at the same time, if that makes sense.




Luckily, my friends are talented as well. Two of my dearest friends, Andrea & Chris Regan, are an adorable married couple who also make films together. Their first venture, Jenny Ringo & the Monkey’s Paw is up on Vimeo and worth a watch.




The film stars Rosie Duncan as Jenny, a slightly off kilter girl whose world is turned upside down when she returns from a Wiccan retreat (as you do) to find her room mate Gavin (Lukas Habberton) has acquired a monkey’s paw from a strange magician on the Brighton pier (as you do). Its one of THOSE monkeys paw, that of the W.W. Jacobs short story, where you get your wishes, alright, but they are going to come at a heavy price.




The film is fun and clever, taking unexpected twists (a musical number!!) and doesn’t take itself too seriously – a downfall of LOTS of short films. Duncan is believable and clearly having a good time. I suspect Andrea & Chris may have cast Habberton specifically knowing that he is my exact type (tall, thin, british, adorable) and that I would moon over him. Looks aside, I think he was my favorite character in the piece, he seemed to be inhabiting his character’s skin the most naturally.



But in any case, its really great fun, its only 25 minutes – give it a look. And, if you like what you see, stay tuned, because a sequel – Jenny Ringo and the Cabaret from Hell  – is on its way to you!


And as for the filmmaker’s personality coming through with the film, well, I think you can see why I am friends with these two.  

Check it out here: